"Goodskills taught me that I deserved more for myself and my daughter."

Roberta is a devoted single mom who was struggling and relying on public assistance when she was referred to Goodwill through an Erie County welfare to work program. She wanted more for herself and her daughter but lacked the skills and support she needed to be successful in finding a career path.
Roberta enrolled in Goodskills Career Builder, but she initially struggled to find child care and transportation so that she could attend training. With the support she received through her Career Coach and the Goodwill team she was able to attend classes. Roberta completed the Goodskills Manufacturing track where she learned workforce readiness skills, received forklift training and earned her OSHA 10 certification. Being surrounded by supportive, positive people inspired Roberta to be successful although admittedly the process was not always easy.
Upon graduation from Goodskills, Roberta had the opportunity to meet with local employers in the manufacturing field. She was well prepared with her newly learned interviewing skills, an updated resume and her ever-present positive attitude. The representative from Eastman Machine was impressed by Roberta’s energy, motivation and skillset and knew she would be a good fit at this family owned company.
In her position as a Manufacturing Technician at Eastman Machine, Roberta is a true team player who leads by example. She has created a family atmosphere in her department that is appreciated by everyone she works with. Roberta is grateful that she has found a “home” at Eastman. She now has a career, not a job, where she wants to stay and that she wants to retire from. She recently joined the union at Eastman so that she can have the security of receiving a full benefits package for herself and her daughter.
Roberta has come a long way from where she started on her career path and we are very proud of all she has accomplished.