Goodwill invites you to celebrate the fresh starts that can happen when individuals are empowered to work!

Our annual “Pathways to Success” achievement awards event will take place on Tuesday, October 8th. The Goodwill story is told through the moving stories of our honorees, each with their own unique pathway to success. We invite you to join our supporters who have helped make each of those stories a reality.
Your generosity continues to have an impact well beyond that memorable evening. We allocate all event net income to employment services that directly assist those in need of a “hand up, not a hand out” in our community. You help fund Goodwill’s workforce development programs that allow people to train for, find, and keep good jobs. Hundreds of Goodwill clients who were jobless have become wage earners, some for the first time in their lives, while many more are closer to achieving employment and enjoying the satisfaction of being able to provide for themselves and their families.
For your consideration, please see sponsorship levels and benefits below. Payment may be made online at Thank you on behalf of those who are looking forward to their fresh start. We look forward to seeing you on this special evening!